Day 7

  • Take Home Review
  • Git vs GitHub
  • SSH Protocol
  • Daily Challenge
  • Github Repositories
  • Intro to Git Commands
  • Take Home Challenge
  • Questions?
  • What is Git? (Video)
    • Git is a Version Control System (VCS) installed on your computer that you can access through your terminal
    • Download Git and Git Bash
    • Git Option During Installation
    • **Make sure you check this option
    • Basic Terminal Commands:
    • cd [folder-name]
      cd ..
      cd ~
      ls -al (macOS)
      dir (windows)
      rm [file-name]
      rm -rf [folder-name]
      cp [file-name] [file-name-copy]
      mv [file-name] [new-file-name]
      mkdir [folder-name]
      touch [file-name]
  • GitHub
    • GitHub is a code storage and sharing application built as a visual interface for Git. It's like Google Drive for developers.
  • Resource: GitHelp page by jakeaguilar
  • Resource: Git Bash Cheatsheet by kid-on-github
  1. Follow the directions above to generate your own SSH key
  2. Add the SSH key to your GitHub account.
git --version (get current installed git version)
git status
git clone [repo-ssh-link] (copies a repo)
git init (initializes git tracking in current folder)
rm -rf .git (removes git tracking from current folder)
  1. Create a new repository in GitHub named "github-practice"
  2. Clone the repository using SSH
  3. BONUS: Add an index file and stylesheet to your local repository.
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