Day 3

  • Take Home Review
  • CSS Frameworks
  • Bootstrap
  • Daily Challenge
  • Project Documentation
  • Take Home Challenge
  • Questions?
  • Daily Challenge Instructions:
  1. Create a new repository named "bootstrap-boilerplate"
  2. Create your project directory
    • Copy Bootstrap starter template to index.html
    • Add CSS folder with stylesheet
      • Link your custom stylesheet in your index.html
    • Add (empty) JS folder
    • Add (empty) IMG folder
  • Github Instructions:
  1. Clone your repository
  2. Create a new branch called "starter-files"
  3. git add, commit, and push your changes to your starter-files branch
  1. Review the article for Documentation Best Practices
  2. Complete the for your boilerplate-template repository
  3. Save to a new branch called "readme"
  4. Pull your changes locally