Day 5

  • Take Home Review
  • Pull Request Workflow
  • Daily Challenge
  • Bootstrap Jumbotron
  • Take Home Challenge
  • Questions?
  • Github Instructions
  1. Create a new pull request for your take-home branch
  2. Link the issue "index.html is empty" to your PR
  3. Request Review from your collaborator
  4. Review and approve each other's PR
  5. Merge your PR and delete your take-home branch
  • In your collaborator's repository (collab-practice):
  1. Pull all changes to main branch
  2. Create a new branch called "jumbotron"
  3. Using the Bootstrap example as a guide, add a jumbotron to the index file using utilities from today's lesson
  4. git add, commit, and push your changes to your jumbotron branch
  5. Open a new pull request for your jumbotron branch
  6. Request Review from your collaborator