Day 7

  • Take Home Review
  • Responsive Navigation
  • Daily Challenge
  • Parallax Scrolling Effect
  • Take Home Challenge
  • Review and approve eachother's PR
  • Once approved, merge and delete the branch
  • Activate GH Pages for your main branch
  • Questions?
  • Daily Challenge Instructions:
  1. Create a new repository named "parallax-practice" (Use your bootstrap-boilerplate template)
  2. Add a collaborator
  3. Add any 2 fonts from Google Fonts (Note: the example uses "Lobster" and "Open Sans")
  4. Add a navbar and a jumbotron with text
  5. Here's an example of what we're aiming for: View Example
  • Github Instructions:
  1. Clone your own repository
  2. Create a new branch named "daily-challenge"
  3. git add, commit, and push your changes to your daily-challenge branch
  4. Open a PR and request review from your collaborator
  5. Review and approve eachother's PR
  6. Once approved, merge and delete your daily-challenge branch
  • In your own parallax-pracice repository:
  1. Make sure your main branch is up-to-date
  2. Create a new branch named "take-home"
  3. Using the Daily Challenge example, finish recreating the rest of the page
  4. Add Font Awesome to your project (You will need this for your footer)
  5. Add a parallax effect to all of your page sections
  6. Make sure your navbar links to all your sections
  7. git add, commit, and push your changes to your take-home branch
  8. Open a new pull request for your take-home branch
  9. Request Review from your collaborator