- The DOM
- How JavaScript Interacts With the Browser
- Programmatic Logic
- JS Objects
- Dynamically Populate HTML and CSS
- Forms and Other User Inputs
- What to expect from this course
- Tools: Git, Atom, Atom packages, Slack (added to proper channel), Google Chrome
- JS Intro: where did it come from? Where is it going?
- Resources: MDN, W3Schools, Blogs galore!
- Linking JS and JS conventions & best practices
- ES5, ES6, and beyond!
- var, let, const
- Types and Typing
- JavaScript's native objects (Math and Date)
- What's the console?
- Using the browser: Alert, confirm, and prompt
- Arrays
- Loops
- Comparisons & logical operators
- If, else if, else
- Ternary Operators
- Switch Statements
- Variable Hoisting
- The DOM & how to manipulate it
- Functions
- Function Hoisting
- Event Listeners
- Forms, inputs, and responding to users
- What is "this"?
- Creating DOM elements
- Custom Objects
- Object Constructors
- Timers and Intervals
- Browser Storage
- Closure
- ES6 Classes
- What to expect from frameworks